20 June, 2014

Two Skincare Empties (Alongside what I'll post next!)

I love makeup, don't get me wrong, but it's not something I wear all the time or every day, even though I've been thinking of lighter looks for casual use. Some things I do use every day, however, are my skincare products, and I have two tubes that I've emptied entirely so I can give you my opinion on the products mentioned.

23 March, 2014

Spring Is Now Here! (Technically)

Now, I don't know about you guys but I've been waiting for spring for a very, very long time.

A very long time.

Now I moved here from Dubai and the weather happened to be a rather sudden shift for me, and since it's been all gloomy and snowy the past few months, at the first sign of spring I went shopping for more weather-appropriate clothes.

It's not much (only a couple things), but let's get to it!

10 March, 2014

Natural Beauty - Working Out

Since my last post, I'd been going on Tumblr a lot as well as following bloggers here and watching a good many YouTube vids - and I got jealous.

You never realise how many absolutely fit people there are until you go on sites like this, and all this eventually lead to me tracking the #fitspo tag on Tumblr - and it's been brilliantly inspiring. Not just to look better, but to feel better and healthier and more energetic.

That's why I decided that, this month, I'd start to ease myself into eating a bit cleaner as well as working out a lot more than I usually ever do, as well as keeping myself on a regular schedule for said workouts.

So far, I've been following the Blogilates Beginner Calendar for a week now and I'm sore as hell and sweaty every day but it feels great, amazing even. There's something wonderful about knowing that what you're putting into your body is good for you and that the soreness all around is actually helping you.

I encourage you all to give working out regularly a go - even if just for a week like I did at first - and feel the difference overall. It's absolutely phenomenal.

13 January, 2014

Three Favourites from 2013!

I realise it's been a long, long time since I've posted properly but now that I've moved I've decided to kick things up a tiny notch and start posting again!

(Cue excited applause here.)

In any case, I now present to you three of my favourite products that I used last year and only recently repurchased after my last makeup bag went missing.